
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Post 6

Another great date! First we went to get our movie tickets at 5 PM. But the movie didn't start until 6:10 PM, oops. So we decided to go eat something first. Which I didn't mind at all because it meant more time to talk!
I know, a guy who likes to talk during dates?! Go home stereotype, you're drunk! But seriously this girl is so interesting. It might seem like I'm a bit too excited about this huh?

She might start thinking I'm a stalker or something. That'd be bad, very bad. Especially since I told her about this blog. If she suddenly stops talking to me I'll know why. Kyra if you read this then please don't think I'm a creep. I just get very excited about certain things, like dinosaurs.

Normally people I date think my dinosaurs are stupid geek stuff. Some even think I'm kidding when I say I like dinosaurs. Because apparently I'm "not the type to be into nerd stuff". I guess I can see why people would think that. My father always pushed me into sports, especially soccer. Hence my dislike for soccer. So at first sight I probably seem more like a guy into sports than into science stuff.

Which isn't really incorrect. I mean I like playing basketball once in a while and I try to work out enough. But If I had to choose between any sport and dinosaurs, well its not hard to guess which I'd choose.
And thats another issue my dad has with me. But he's glad that I do practice sports, not as much as he'd prefer though.

I got sidetracked, back to the date. Kyra actually thought my dinosaur geekery was cute. Which is the first time anyone thought that. We talked for a while and forgot about the time. We even almost missed the start of the movie. The movie itself was okay but nothing special. I was more worried about Kyra since she seemed worried.

Why would she be worried you ask? Those birds, thats why. Yes they were there again, following us. From her house to the cinema, from there to McDonalds and then again while we ran to make it in time for the movie.

There were 5 of them this time I think. At first it was just two ravens then one and the last time it was two again. Maybe they were the same ones, kinda hard to tell them apart. After the movie Kyra told me they had been following her for a while now. Apparently it started with one and then they appeared more often and with more at once.

Normally I wouldn't believe anyone that said they were being stalked by birds. But I clearly saw them following us. Might also be me not wanting to think Kyra would lie about that stuff. I don't know.
I didn't see them after the movie though. Something about this is weird but I guess its just birds. Although they look ominous somehow.

I just hope Kyra doesn't let these birds get to her. I'll ask if she is doing okay tomorow at school. Which reminds me, I still have homework to do. Crap...

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