
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dino post 1

First dinosaur post!

If I want people to read this then I must use tricks. And everybody knows sex sells. So today I'll be posting about humping dinosaurs. No I'm not talking about people that hump dinosaurs. I'm talking about dinosaur reproduction.

Most of you probably never questioned this. But yes dinosaur babies had to come from somewhere. And the stork didn't exist yet back then. Unfortunatly, like many things related to dinosaurs, exactly how this happened is a mystery to science. Even though it isn't that hard to imagine the general picture. Dinosaur sex wouldn't have been that different from any other animal's sexual activities.

The reason why its a mystery is because soft parts like genetalia don't fossilize.  (They didn't get hard enough.) Yes, you got that right, scientists can't figure out if extinct  male animals had penises.
The real answer would probably vary between species but in general, we just don't know!
The most probable answer I think would be that some of them were like crocodiles. And some of them, especially the later ones, were like birds.

The difference? Crocs have penises and birds do not. I'm not going to expand on that. Mainly because you can easily find information about how both of those reproduce. If you are that curious, google it.
Secondly I have a date tonight that I need to get ready for so cya.


  1. That is...something.
    I think you have way too much time, but that's not saying much considering I have nothing better to do than to oblige into my compulsion and read random blogs. I blame the -
    Actually you don't kn-
    I'll shut up now.
