
Friday, February 1, 2013

Post 3 Dinosaurs

My previous attempt at pimping out dinosaurs for views seemed to have worked. But even though I'd love to talk more about dinosaurs jumping each others bones, I won't.
Mainly because there isn't much to talk about anymore. So I will replace sex with violence!
The second thing that will get overprotective moms to sue me for when their kids happen to find my blog for their dinosaur related assignments.

And hopefully it will also help keep this blog interesting. There is also more to talk about when it comes to dinosaurs fighting than just the fact if they had penises or not.
This post will be about what weapons dinosaurs used in combat. The ones used for offense, defense and the ones used to win the right to mate.

The offensive weapons were mainly used by predators. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise. These weapons were sharp teeth and claws which were both used to kill their prey as quickly as possible. Speed was another weapon, especially for the smaller species. The larger ones however used their large mass as yet another weapon. Not only could they easily overpower smaller species but they could also use their bodies as battering rams. Knocking down their prey and then moving in for the kill.

Of course all this would be useless if they couldn't find their prey. So most predators had large eyes and relatively advanced binocular vision. Some of them also had excellent smell to track their prey or possibly already dead dinosaur bodies.But one of their best weapons might have been their breath. Much like my father, seriously dad stop burping, its gross.
Like some modern predators dinosaur mouths were a breeding ground for bacteria. Even if a prey managed to escape their wound could end up infected and the herbivore would die a few days later anyway.

Of course to be able to counter all those dangerous predators their prey had to have some weapons of their own. Some used their tails as whips or some had a tail with a mace like growth at its end. Which could crush a raptors skull.
Others didn't even have to worry about predators since they were just that huge. But like modern elephants even the largest dinosaurs had vulnerable children. Which is why most of these giants never reached adulthood.
Then there were those who had armor. Nothing can eat you if they can't bite through your armor.(Unless they flip you over and attack your weak points for massive damage.)

Some even had spikes on their armor which could be a serious problem for predators. Camouflage must have helped too if in fact they had such a thing. We can't know for sure since colors don't fossilize but it would be surprising if they didn't.
And similar to modern prey animals they sometimes traveled in herds for protection. The only evidence for this are the places were lots of the same species fossils were found together. Which seems like enough evidence to me but there will always be people that will say it could be coincidence. But I don't believe in coincidences.
And lastly while predators had sight and smell, herbivores had excellent hearing. If they hear any suspicious sounds they could get the hell out before it was too late. And a T-Rex wouldn't have been too hard to hear coming, right? Well obviously it managed to be stealthy enough to catch enough prey to be a very successful hunter.

And lastly the weapons used to win themselves a female. These were mostly horns and frills. With these males would combat each other and the winner would get the female. Much like some modern animals.
Lastly there was a family of dinosaurs that used their heads. Literally, They had very thick skulls that they used for head-butting each other. These were called Pachycephalosaurs.

And damn this post is long.. I better stop now before you guys get bored. Comment if you found this interesting or boring. If too many people say its boring I'll find a way to make these more interesting. Maybe I'll throw some images of boobs into it.

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